3WM The first Real World Ecological Asset based on ecology adoption
3WM develops innovative solutions while allowing climate players to monetize their actions in favor of the climate through a cryptocurrency.
Read White PaperWhat is the 3WM PROJECT ?
3WM is a global industrial project dedicated protecting the environment and improving living conditions. Our ambition is to bring ecological actions a reality on our 3 pillars water, mobility and waste. The 3WM token is a payment token allowing to reward each actors (Institutions, Companies and individuals) for their ecological efforts.
Ecological Rewards
Rewarding actors to adopt ecological actions with a unique token
Eco Investments
Investing in innovative ecological solutions to accelerate the development of 3WM
NGO Partnerships
Working with NGOs and local actors to demonstrate how our solutions are changing the word
Community Growth
Growing our 3WM communities in every part of the world to help us on this journey

Funding Allocation
3wm Access

3WM is available on Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain blockchains
- Symbol : 3WM
- Token Standards :ERC/BEP 20
- Token Holders : + 14 000
3WM Roadmap
Creation of Innovation Solar Holding AG Launch of the LOGOIL (Plastic To Fuel) project Research & Development (Water, Waste & Mobility) Acquisition of patented technologies and brands (Water, Waste & Mobility)
- Solar Holding created
- LOGOIL launched
- Patents acquired
Birth of the 3WM@ project Decision to use the Blockchain and create a registered payment token in Switzerland dedicated to environmental solutions and the circular economy. Set up of the 3WM Coin Invest Holding AG in Switzerland by Swiss and French investors Q3 2018
- 3WM project launched
- Blockchain integrated
- Coin Invest set up
Launch of strategic partnerships for the 3 pillars (Water, Waste & Mobility) White paper publication
- Partnerships launched
- White paper released
- Strategic alliances
Acquisition of the Mulhouse site (first ETC in France) and creation of an SCI 3WM Pulversheim Creation of the new concept of the country franchise. (The environmental supermarket)
- Mulhouse site acquired
- Country franchise created
- ETC started
Development and start of the Pulversheim site in Mulhouse France 3WM brand awarness communication
- Pulversheim site developed
- Brand campaign launched
- 3WM marketing
Investment in the "Plastic To FUEL" industrial pilot, financed by equity Gold Sponsor at Paris Blockchain Summit
- Pilot funded
- Blockchain summit sponsored
- Plastic-to-Fuel developed
3WM Token and eco fees smart contract development 1st Airdrop & Bounty program 3WM® distribution
- Token developed
- Smart contract created
- Airdrop launched
Specification of the 3WM® V1 private marketplace based on the whitepaper
- Marketplace specified
- Whitepaper followed
- V1 detailed
First partners decide to settle on the first ETC 3WM® in France Strategic partnerships Business acquisitions
- ETC partnerships settled
- Strategic alliances formed
- Acquisitions completed
Reorganization of the 3WM® Group Installation of the equipment of the first ETC Strengthening of sales, marketing, and technical teams Creation of various subsidiaries of 3WM® Worldwide (Switzerland, France)
- Group reorganized
- ETC equipment installed
- Subsidiaries created
Gold Sponsor at AIBC Malta Blockchain Summit The first 3WM® subsidiary in Africa (Morocco)
- AIBC Malta sponsored
- 3WM Africa launched
- Subsidiary formed
Middle East
The first 3WM® subsidiary in the Middle East (DMCC Dubai)
- Middle East expansion
- Dubai subsidiary created
- International growth
Creation of Loghydrogen Technology AG in Switzerland
- Hydrogen tech launched
- Swiss subsidiary created
- New innovation
First prize at Geneva innovation exhibition Creation of the 3WM Cleantech Fund in Luxembourg
- Prize awarded
- Cleantech fund launched
- Recognition achieved
Equity investment in 5 new disruptive cleantech companies
- Investments made
- 5 companies funded
- isruptive tech supported
Launch of the first version of the 3WM Platform including Marketplace Crypto and Fiat credit card payment available
- Platform launched
- Crypto/Fiat enabled
- Payments available
Listing in multiple DEX and CEX Launch of the 3WM® ecological LABEL
- Listings completed
- Ecological label launched
- Crypto expansion
First 3WM® innovation grant program launched for European companies Communication of the granted companies and unlocking of funds to finance them
- Innovation grants launched
- Funds unlocked
- European expansion
Creation of the first ECO TECH CENTER in the United Arab Emirates (DUBAI) Second 3WM® innovation grant program launched for the Middle East Communication of the granted companies and unlocking of funds to finance them
- Tech Center launched
- Middle East grant program
- Funds unlocked
Creation of the first ECO TECH CENTER in the United Arab Emirates (DUBAI) Second 3WM® innovation grant program launched for Middle East Communication of the granted companies and unlock of funds to finance them
- ECO TECH Center created
- Middle East grant program
- Funds unlocked
Center Operations
Ongoing operations related to the ECO TECH CENTER in Dubai and grant program funding communication.
- Operations initiated
- Grants managed
- Company communication ongoing
Airdrop and Bounty ecological actions reward
- Airdrop program launched
- Ecological rewards distributed
Africa Center
Creation of the first ECO TECH CENTER in Africa Second 3WM® innovation grant program for Africa Communication granted companies & unlock of funds to finance them
- ECO TECH Center in Africa
- African grant program
- Fund unlocking
Africa Expansion
Continued development of the African ECO TECH CENTER, ongoing grant communication and ecological rewards.
- Center operations
- Grants administered
- Airdrop rewards delivered
Global Green Initiative
Project goals in
the world for 2030
Plastic-to -Bioenerg plants10+
ETC (Eco Tec Center)OUR TEAMS

Martin Müller
Waste to Energy ManagerAsked Questions
The 3WM token is unique payment token allowing us to reward directly with tokens our partners, clients and community members. The reward strategy is customized and having a palpable and tangible reward is very powerful to adopt ecological actions (acquiring a solution for a company or rewarding people …).
We are using smart contracts to bring more transparency and visibility to our ecosystem. The creation of rewarded eco actions programs (tech competitions, ecological local actions, catastrophe donations …) allowing our community members to participate directly in a distributive way.
3WM is international based with local holdings. The headquarter is in Zug in Switzerland with different holding across the world.
Having a lower total supply is not working for us in term of adoption. Indeed, reducing the total supply will increase the unit price of the 3WM token.
The psychological effect to be rewarded with a unit price representing 100 $ for example instead of 1$ it’s not the same impact in term participations. Moreover most tokens are lost in wallets in the long term perspective reducing as well the circulating supply drastically impacting the unit price too.
Yes, our token is registered as a payment token because of his utility as described on our whitepaper.
We are planning to list it in Q4 2024 after achieving important milestones (check our road map).